

Manage a new model. Guide the business.

Subscriptions breed financial complexities, Let Zuora automate them

As your business model shifts from selling one-time products to selling subscriptions, the way you process transactions becomes inherently more complex. Keep your team lean and efficient by using Zuora to automate your recurring billing, payments, revenue and month-end close processes.

Bill your way: upfront, in-arrears, when service is delivered, or as used

Want to know more about recurring billing?

Explore Zuora Billing

Bill Image

Collect payments using any payment gateway or method of your choice

Want to know more about global payments?

explore zuora collect

Global Payments Image

Assign different revenue recognition rules for every product and service you sell

Want to know more about revenue recognition?

Explore Zuora Revenue

Recognize Image

Automatically post summarized journal entries or send detailed transactions directly to your GL

Want to know more about subscription accounting?

explore zuora platform

Account Image

Move Fast While Staying Compliant

With all the fast moving parts that come with subscription businesses, you want to make sure you’re in consistent audit compliance.

Zuora was built to meet the strictest of financial compliance standards. Over 800 public and private companies of all sizes trust us to keep them compliant and adaptable to the ever-changing regulations.

Magnifying Glass Icon

Multi-Entity Management

Restrict access to financially sensitive data between entities

Audit Trail Icon

Audit Trail

Track financial changes with timestamps, user names and amount changed

User Icon

Permissions and Controls

Manage segregation of duties with role based permissions and controls

Book Icon

Accounting Period Lockdown

Automatically prevent any further changes to a closed accounting period

Guide and optimize your model with the right metrics

Embracing the subscription business model means turning your transactional customers into long-term subscribers. This new model requires you to measure the health and performance of your business using a whole new set of non-GAAP metrics based on a deep understanding of your subscribers.

Learn how over 100+ CFO’s are owning the model
CFO survey
Bar Graph
Annual Recurring Revenue

The amount of money coming in every year for the lifetime of the contract driving revenue predictability

Bar Graph with Arrow
Growth Efficiency Index (GEI)

The sales, marketing and onboarding costs that are required to earn $1 in additional Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR)

Pie Chart
Net Retention

The number of recurring dollars retained from upsells, downsells and customer churn

Monitor Business Health And Performance

Subscription metrics are incredibly hard to get when your customer data is buried everywhere. Zuora provides key subscription metrics right out of the box and allows you to drill into the underlying subscriber behavior driving key outcomes such as churn. Zuora is the only solution that combines your financial data with your subscriber behavior data. With Zuora’s analytics capabilities, you can:

  • Intuitively customize reports
  • Save, schedule, and share reports
  • Monitor the health of individual subscribers
  • Group subscribers by common traits and behaviors

"When we were looking to implement Zuora, the main goal that we needed to solve for early on was scalability, to be able to support tremendous growth in a short period of time."

– Bart Hacking, CFO, BetterCloud

read the story

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Auf Fachwissen der führenden Experten zugreifen

Wir haben den Begriff der „Subscription Economy®“ maßgeblich geprägt und sind auch weiterhin Marktführer. Aber lassen Sie sich von unseren Experten, Kunden und Partnern überzeugen.

Neue Geschäftsmodelle

Dynamische Kundenbeziehungspflege entlang jeder Journey.


Sprechen Sie mit gleichgesinnten Fachleuten.

Developer Resourcen

Die Freiheit, mit den Technologien von Zuora zu entwickeln.

Knowledge Center

Erfahren Sie, wie Sie das Wachstum Ihres Unternehmens im Abonnement-Zeitalter fördern können.

Ihre Reise beginnt hier

Da sich die Wünsche Ihrer Kundschaft hinsichtlich des Zugangs zu Ihren Produkten und Dienstleistungen ändern, müssen Sie Ihre Geschäftsabläufe stetig anpassen und weiterentwickeln. Diese Reise nennen wir Journey to Usership™. Wir haben den Bauplan, mit dem Sie Ihr Abo-Unternehmen zum Erfolg führen können.

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