Antonio vergara
2019-08-05 13:37
Antonio Vergara
Ecuadorian musician, with more than 20 years of experience as a guitarist, music producer, composer, sound man live, sound engineer and musical director of national artists. In the present is considered at the national level and in the field of international projection one of the idols of the blues genre in Latin America and the world.
Innate is a musician that is characterized by touch with such force that it trembles to its listeners by each intonation that emerges rather than the technical, the sincerity of their soul.
His work offers musical aspects and discursive lyric, manifests both at the time of singing as instrumental in the implementation of his guitar.
Cultural Awards obtained for his artistic work in the dissemination of the genus blues at the national level
As a musician in the gender blues won for two consecutive years (2012-2013) the cultural award of the Ecuadorian music according to municipal ordinance 0224 since the year 2006 called "my national bands", (MBN Ecuador) as an artist and permanence as best video clip of the year with his song "Fuego en el cielo". (Fire in the Sky)
Shared Scenarios
To be considered concerning music played at various international festivals of blues with artists from countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, as well as with american legends of the blues, this is the case of Sugar Blue (harmonica player of the Rolling Stones ) and Eddy "The Chief" Clearwater (legendary bluesman from Chicago).
Music for cinema
Five songs from Antonio Vergara received the distinction of being part of the soundtrack in the ecuadorian film "Sexy Montañita": “Blues del Blues”, “Fuego en el cielo” of its previous disc; “Necesidad” and “Verdad” of the new album are topics that appear within the film.
In addition, the song "Noctámbulo" ("The Jesters Also Cry") is the main theme and the closing of the film.
The other facet
Antonio Vergara, PhD (Doctor of Social Sciences in Scientific Research), also serves as university professor and researcher, having taught in various universities chair of high prestige in Ecuador, in addition to dictate presentations and academic conferences on their specialities (Sound, Law, Public Communication of Science and Technology, Social and Political Sciences).
In March of 2014, by his resolute and unconditional support for the art, music and culture in general, because of his contribution with clinics of guitar and lap steel guitar, talks and in programs of culture for the dissemination of the blues, received from the Ministry for Culture and Heritage of the Republic of Ecuador a cultural manager certification as related to the music.
Currently, recorded as guitarist for several national and international artists, is music producer and record, edit, mix and output in your recording studio, where also performs work of music scores, sound design and sound for film.

His new work, "The Jesters Also Cry" (Los Bufones También LLoran) is a conceptual album that in its nuances presents situations and atmospheres and intimist themselves that are turned on by a social discourse with interpretative lyrics.
Within the thirteen themes that make up the disk, are manifested realities, sensations and ephemeral dreams marked by a philosophy almost hedonistic, of being and being in a world fraught with messages that are decrypted being art, violence, aggression, love, madness, equinoctial peace and transitions. Energy partying through the roaring of the sea and the acoustics of the simple.
The encyclopedia of the circus satire appears in manifests almost theatrical, showing in each song a scene of this spectacle that never ends in the middle of sad clowns and demons that cheerful denouncing the jesters also mourn.
The beings
This album was recorded between February 22 and April 29 2014.
Author, composer and performer: Antonio Vergara
Recording Engineer, editing, mixing, and mastering: Antonio Vergara.
General Production, arrangements and direction: Antonio Vergara.
Cover: Master Luigi Stornaiolo, work "espectáculos energumenescos de gente ebria en noche plenilunar", oil/canvas, measures: 240 x 210 cm 1996.
Disk: Claudia Correa, work "daily papers of the earthly bureaucracy", acrylic/canvas, measure: 50 cm. (Diameter), 2014.
Tray: Claudia Correa, work "Ephemeral", acrylic/canvas, measures: 100 x 80cm, 2014.
Photo: Alberto Pablo Rivera.

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