2019-08-05 13:47
Nohmada Bio:
It’s the new rock, the gigantic natural evolution of an old style, reborn like the phoenix from the ashes of others who trod this earth before successfully. It is gestated eight years ago on the streets of Madrid when Charlie and MoN unite their talents while discovering what they could do together. They soon realize that forming the whole band is a requirement that must be met to create the sound Nohmada. And they succeed.
In 2010 a tiny new record called "Nohmada" punches a hole in the rock atmosphere of Spain’s capital city, and there are many who come to see what was never heard. Seven songs with a very low production and diverse influences which Nohmada uses to create their own sound. Such is the acceptance given that they face the task of producing their first self-produced record. With a much higher quality than before, “Cenizas” (“Ashes”) is a qualitative leap in musical composition and style. The voyage of the Phoenix starts here without them being aware.
Following its launch in 2013 Mr. Reckless joins the band on bass and begins one of the biggest hits of Nohmada, Cenizas TOUR that catapult to 32 different cities in less than seven months. Road experience and wisdom that make the band leave their neighbourhood-band status to become National Band. After many interviews, critical acclaim and fans of the group being so many that in June 2014 in the legendary “Sol” Venue, a “sold out” crowns them as the best pop-rock band in 2014.
In Summer 2014, “&res” is attracted by the band to perform taking care of percussion. With him completed a full circle: MON, Charlie, Mr. Reckless and &res creates, an LP that will be released in October 2015 thanks to the generous contribution of his followers and their sponsors (JOYO TECHNOLOGIES) and the brutal transformation of the quartet from Madrid.
Devenir (May 2015-Phoenix) is a great example that shows what awaits the international rock scene. France, Germany, China ... countries which, from a distance, are becoming interested in new sounds and perfomance that are about to be seen by a band of this caliber filling stage.
Nohmada are:
MoN, guitar and vocals
Charlie, lead guitar
Mr Reckless: Low
& Res: Drums and percussion.
Nohmada Discography:
Nohmada (2010). EP.
Cenizas (“Ashes”) (2013). LP.
Phoenix (2015). LP.

Iga Massardi
Luiyi Black Side
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